About Sense AGENDa

The project Sense AGENDa asks why different citizens have diverse opinions, and sometimes very strong conflicted feelings, about the issues of gender and sexual equality. To answer this question, the project compares how citizens in Croatia and in Belgium talk about gender and sexuality.

Principal investigator:
Tanja Vuckovic Juros About principal investigatorContact me by e-mail

The research is divided into several stages:

1. Analysis of the main gender and sexuality policy developments and debates in Croatia and Belgium

2. Fieldwork “Parents discuss” (Flanders & Croatia)

3. Fieldwork “Citizens discuss” (Croatia)

Onderzoeksproject ‘Ouders discussiëren’Istraživački projekt ‘Roditelji raspravljaju’Istraživački projekt ‘Građani mlađe i starije životne dobi raspravljaju’
Funding & Academic Institutions

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship.

Host Institution: Sociology Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb, Croatia Secondment Institution: Centre for Sociological Research (CESO), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium About the project on the European Comission’s webpage

Reports & Publications

Scientific papers
Open access to the article

(with Jelena Ceriman) From Gender Re-Traditionalizations to Anti-Gender Mobilizations: Care for Family in Serbia and Croatia, in: Eastern European politics and societies

Open access to the chapter

Culture Wars as a Speech Act: Reflecting on Civilizational and Worldview Divides in the Case of Croatian Anti-Gender Mobilizations, in: Culture Wars in Europe

Serbian translation aired at Radio Beograd

Report and Recommendations from the Stakeholders’ Seminar ‘How to Talk to Parents about Sex Education and Education for Gender Equality’

PDF (in Croatian)

Talks & Presentations

Project presentations

2021: University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

2021: Dani otvorenih vrata na Filozofskom 2022: Centre for Sociological Research (CeSO), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Conference presentations – national

Nacionalni kongres Hrvatskog sociološkog društva

2023 (Split, Hrvatska): Roditelji raspravljaju o seksualnom odgoju i pobačaju

2022 (Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju Beograd): Nevolje sa spolnim odgojom: Prvi pogled sa Sense AGENDa projekta

2024 (CeSO Brownbag Seminar, KULeuven): (Dis)Trust and the Imagined Other: Parents Talking about Sex Education
Conference presentations – international
International Conference of Europeanists (Council for European Studies, CES)

2022 (Lisbon, Portugal): Sexual(ity) Education in Croatia as a site of Anti-Gender Mobilizations (with Amir Hodžić)

2023 (Reykjavik, Iceland): From Gender Re-traditionalizations to Anti-gender Mobilizations: Care for Family in Serbia and Croatia (with Jelena Ćeriman) 2023 (Reykjavik, Iceland): A From-Below Look at Anti-Gender Mobilizations in Europe: Flemish and Croatian Parents Discussing Gender and Sexual Diversity in Schools
European Conference of Politics & Gender

2022 (Ljubljana, Slovenia): The influence of anti-gender mobilizations on the family policies in modern-day Serbia and Croatia (with Jelena Ćeriman)

2024 (Ghent, Belgium): Mobilizing the Womb: Anti-Abortion Activism and the Institutionalization of the Anti-Gender Movement in Croatia (with Maja Gergorić)
European Sociological Association Conference

2024 (Porto, Portugal): Distrust and Discomfort: Talking About LGBT Issues Amidst Anti-Gender Mobilizations

Talk at the panel  ‘ANTI-GENDER MOVEMENTS: RESEARCH AND RESISTANCE’, organized by Kino Katarina, Rijeka, 14 June 2024 (in Croatian)

Kino Katarina

Panelists: Maja Gergorić, Ana Jurčić, Ana Lovreković, Hrvoje Šimičević, Tanja Vučković Juroš

Moderatorica: Marta Baradić

Photo credit: Tanja Kanazir

Events (co-)organized or sponsored by Sense AGENDa

Stakeholders’ seminar

How to Talk to Parents about Sex Education and Education for Gender Equality

Organized by the Sense AGENDa project

Council Hall of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, 9 September 2024

Photos from the seminar

Methodological school organized by the Sense AGENDa project & Section for Qualitative Research Methods of the Croatian Sociological Organization

Challenges of Using and Analyzing Focus Groups in Social Sciences


ZOOM DISCUSSION GROUPS (3 / 17 / 23 May 2024):

What are focus groups and when (not) to use them

Planning and preparing focus groups

Group dynamics and ethics

WORKSHOP, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb (6 / 7 June 2024):

Introduction to focus group analysis

Interactional and group-level analysis of focus groups


Tanja Vučković Juroš: Focus groups in researching controversial and sensitive topics – Lessons from the Sense AGENDa project

Round table: Challenges of focus groups from the perspective of novice and experienced researchers (panelist: Amir Hodžić, Anamaria Klasić, Ivana Tutić Grokša, Jana Vukić)



Bojana Lobe (University of Ljubljana): Online Focus Groups: Principles and Practice

Report from Methodological School (in Croatian)


Midterm Conference of the European Sociological Association Sexuality Research Network

troubling gender & sex in southeast europe

Plenary panel open to the public, sponsored by the SENSE AGENDa project

Conference Programme
Roman Kuhar (University of Ljubljana) Emilia Slavova (Univrsity of Sofia) Aleksandar Štulhofer (University of Zagreb) Adriana Zaharijević (University of Belgrade) Discussant: Tanja Vučković Juroš (University of Zagreb)